What is Freemius?

Freemius is our distributor partner who takes care of Stackable's plugin distribution and license management. We use Freemius' SDK inside Stackable for a number of things.

  • For Stackable Free (upon opt-in)
    • gather installation and plugin usage information
  • For Stackable Premium (upon license key activation)
    • tracks license key activations / deactivations
    • gather installation and plugin usage information

In Stackable Free, you can opt-in or opt-out from the sending of telemetry information any time you want. In Stackable Premium however, the sending of telemetry information is always performed in order for us to be able to track the license key usage.

You can learn about the telemetry information Freemius sends here.

Freemius is WordPress.org compliant and GDPR ready.