How to Use Local Google Fonts From Your Theme or Plugin

In WordPress website design, using Local Google Fonts is essential for GDPR compliance. Hosting fonts locally instead of relying on Google's servers ensures better data privacy, faster loading times, and a smoother user experience.

What is GDPR?

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a comprehensive data protection law that applies to websites and businesses handling the personal data of EU citizens.

What is Local Google Fonts?

Local Google Fonts refers to the practice of hosting and serving Google Fonts directly from the website's server instead of relying on external servers.

To Use Local Google Fonts with Blocksy:

  1. Activate Blocksy Local Google Fonts and start picking your Google Fonts

  1. Download and Sync Google Fonts

  1. Pick your Google Fonts from the Stackable Font Family picker - the font picker will only show the Local Google Fonts you set in Blocksy

If you have a theme/plugin that has a Local Google Font feature:

  1. Setup your Local Google Fonts in your theme/plugin
  2. Add our "Disable Google Font Enqueuing" snippet
  3. Pick your Google Font from the Stackable Font Family picker - the font picker will still show all the available Goolge Fonts, but pick the one you set up in your theme/plugin