How to Style the Icon List Block

Icon List Block Settings in the Style Tab

In the General panel, you can format the list Items with these settings:

  • List Item Alignment - align the list items to the right, center or left

  • Columns - set the number of columns to break the list into columns if you are adding long lists

When using an Ordered List, the number will continue on the next column.

Once you add the columns, an option will appear where you can choose List or Grid as the List Display Style.

  • Column & Row Gap - adjust the column and row gap spacing between the list items
  • Indentation - indent the left side of the icon list

In Icons & Numbers panel, you can choose the List Type:

  • Unordered List
  • Ordered List

When you select Unordered List, you can choose your icon and style it using the settings that follow.

When you select Ordered List, you can choose to list the items using numbers, roman numerals or alphabetical. Toggle “With Period” to add a period after the number.

In the Icon List Item Borders panel, you can add borders between your list items.

After, you can adjust the Border Width and change the Border Color.

In the Typography panel, you can change the font, font size, font color and other font styling options for all the list items in the Icon List block.

To change the typography of individual list items, select the Icon List Item Block.

Just like other Stackable blocks, you can add a Background and Borders and Shadows to the Icon List block.