How to Use the Icon Library

The Icon Library allows you to manage, customize, and integrate icons seamlessly into your projects. With features like search, rename, and update for your custom SVGs, you can easily reuse and organize your icons.

Accessing the Icon Library

You will find the Icon Library panel when you open the Stackable settings from the upper-right corner of the Editor.

To save an icon in your icon library, see: How to Save an Icon to the Icon Library

Using Saved Icons from the Icon Library

Saved icons will appear first in the Icon Picker and will be accessible wherever icons are used. For example:

  • Icon block
  • Icon List block
  • Icon Button block
  • Icon Label block
  • Icon Box block
  • The Icon in the Accordion block

Just select the icon you want to use for your block.

Renaming an Icon

You can rename an icon so you are able to search for it in the Icon Picker. To rename an icon:

  1. Go to Stackable settings > Icon Library
  2. Click on the icon you want to rename
  3. Type the name of your icon in the field.

When you search the name of your icon in the icon picker, it should show up in the results, among matching icons of the same name.

Rearranging the Icons

By default, uploaded icons in the Icon Library will appear first in the Icon Picker. It will be arranged in the order that you added them.

However, you can rearrange it to see your most used icons first. To do this,

  1. Open the Icon Library
  2. Click and hold the three-line icon on the Icon that you want to move.
  3. Drag it to the position you want to see it in.
  4. When you open the Icon Picker, it will follow the order you arranged it in.

Deleting an Icon from the Icon Library

To delete a saved icon, simply click on the Trash button on the icon you want to remove from your Icon Library.